| Hall of Music |  |
About the Hall of Music
This tool was spun off from ZZT Ultra's sound system. It acts as a web-based,
integrated environment for testing and showcasing #PLAY string tunes as used
in ZZT, Super ZZT, and ZZT Ultra.
The site keeps track of a library containing various compositions, covers,
#PLAY string rips, etc. that various individuals have produced and submitted.
These can originate from ZZT and Super ZZT world files, but it is entirely
possible to submit covers from different games or completely original work.
You can use the Song text box to experiment with your own tunes.
This box supports copying and pasting, so it is easy to port sequences
between the Hall of Music and text files.
Controlling and Modifying Playback
The Play, Pause, and Stop buttons control playback of
the tune shown in the Song text box. You can also have a song automatically
loop with the Looped Play button.
When the song is not playing, you can manipulate the song timeline by adjusting
scrollbar below the Song text box.
The Volume is a number between 0 (silence) and 50
(maximum). You can attenuate all sound channels played back if desired.
You can freeform edit any song in the Song text box. However,
writing back to the library requires using the upload interface
(see Uploading Content).
The Prefix text box serves a special function. ZZT Ultra, by default,
plays all sound effects on channel zero (Z00) and all ZZT/Super ZZT
#PLAY statements on channel one (Z01). The Prefix text is implicitly
prepended to all Song text. The default Prefix plays non-channel-specific
content on channel one (Z01), resets the duration and octave (@), and applies
a reverb effect (K40:0.3:) as a convenient enhancement.
If you want to play back content without any modifications, remove the
text from the Prefix box.
Note that unlike the original #PLAY statements, song text on multiple
lines is not subject to an implicit duration and octave reset with each
new line. To apply this reset operation, insert a "@" symbol as needed.
Song Link URLs
If you want to send a URL to someone such that a song of your own choice will
begin playing immediately, use the following GET variables.
- song: Name of song as listed in library
- time: Starting position of the song, in seconds
- loop: If 1, causes song to play in looped mode
For example,
This URL
plays the Smash TV Circuit 3 song.
Uploading Content
If you wish to upload a tune to the Hall of Music, you click the
Enter Upload Mode button.
When you enter the uploading interface, the song selected by default is
a special slot named [New Song Title]. This is kept separate
from all the other songs already stored in the library, so that there is
always a separate workspace for "new" and "existing" songs.
It is possible to edit content you have already submitted. You
can only edit songs in the library for which you were the original
When you are finished with editing/pasting the song details, click the
Upload Song button. Upon successful update, the library will
include your submission.
Credit Where Credit Is Due
A compounding factor to identifying authorship of tunes is the tendency
of ZZT world designers to poach tunes from a wide variety of sources when
making chiptune covers. This is often done without ever giving credit to
the original author anywhere within the world file or accompanying
documentation. This adds a layer of uncertainty to the origin of many
In the interest of being fair to all parties, each song has two credit
fields: the Covered By field, indicating the composer of the #PLAY
statement-syntax tune, and the Original Author field, indicating the
original songwriter. It is very possible that the cover artist is known,
but the original author is not well-known or cannot be discovered.
Uploaders are advised to always fill out the cover artist accurately, but
leave the original author blank (or with "?") until this information is
Of course, if you are definitely the original author, go ahead
and fill out your name in both slots.
Copyright Considerations
As copyright goes, there isn't much to say. The Hall of Music does not
try to make any special exceptions to the law itself. All tunes are subject
to their original copyright, wherever they had come from originally.
However, the relatively simple nature of ZZT-themed chiptunes makes it
unlikely that most people would ever care about tune reproduction in a
context like this.
If you believe that a tune should not be reproduced in the Hall of Music,
or otherwise has incorrect credit assigned, please contact the